www.GratefulGuitarLessons.com - Online Video Guitar Lesson Downloads - specializing in Grateful Dead guitarists Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir.
Bob Weir Rhythm Guitar Lesson Video Download SALE:
$4.99 This
video lesson features the chugging and perhaps underappreciated Bob
Weir part on the Grateful Dead classic "Deal." This is one
of those songs where a lot of people might not be aware of exactly what
Bobby was doing on this tune. But once you know, it raises your appreciation
of the tune--and of Weir's subtle, complimentary approach to rhythm
guitar. You also get a jam track mp3--a backing track that you can use
to practice. Download a lesson today! This
is one of the original ten lessons offered on the opening day of GGL.
I've made a lot of improvements since then, so I've decided to offer
the "original ten" at a discounted price. - A video file in MP4 format. If your media player won't play the file, you can download the
free Real Player, VLC
player or Apple
Quick Time player . - A txt or pdf file containing
tablature. - An mp3 jam track that you
can use to play along with and practice. (Some exceptions apply.) Use your favorite ZIP file
program (WINZip, Stuffit, etc) to extract the files to your computer.
Regular Price: $7.99