www.GratefulGuitarLessons.com - Online Video Guitar Lesson Downloads - specializing in Grateful Dead guitarists Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir.
Cumberland Blues:
Jerry Garcia Complete Suite Video Download
THE JERRY GARCIA "Cumberland" LESSONS offered together at
a 25% discount price!
You will
get the three "Cumberland Blues" lead guitar lessons all in
one place--Country Blues, Country Shred, and Country
Major, PLUS the Cumberland Blues Jerry Garcia Rhythm guitar lesson,
offered at a 25% discount versus buying them separately. This bundle
includes FOUR complete lessons, featuring shining examples of Jerry
Garcia's creativity and technical ability.
Country Blues features a first verse solo combining elements
of country and blues guitar, executed with Garcia's typical attention
to phrasing, motif, and variation.
Country Shred offers up some of Garcia's trademark shred licks
at three different positions on the neck in this second verse solo.
You'll learn how to play them, how they work, and you'll see how they
fit into a well-conceived solo. Jerry's shred has a comic quality to
it. It can also be very intricate-sounding and rhythmic. And it's got
BALLS. Fun stuff.
Country Major is an example of the last solo in Cumberland,
where the sound gets a little sweeter than the first two solos. You'll
pick up some pretty cool licks, and study great examples of how Garcia
used variation--permutation--to take a few ideas and weave them into
a complete solo.
Rhythm Lesson features an in-depth look at Garcia's
playing on "Cumberland Blues", including two different versions
of the intro lick, two different approaches to the verses, his country
style approach to the bridge and fourth verse, plus some fill licks
and several examples of tag ending licks. This is a double-download
lesson. The
lead lessons includes tablature and a jam track mp3--a backing track
that you can use to practice soloing. Each lesson also includes
a SLOWED-DOWN video demonstration of the solo, plus a SLOW jamtrack.
Download the bundle today!
- A video file in MP4 format. If your media player won't play the file, you can download the
free Real Player, VLC
player or Apple
Quick Time player . - A txt or pdf file containing
tablature. - An mp3 jam track that you
can use to play along with and practice. (Some exceptions apply.) Use your favorite ZIP file
program (WINZip, Stuffit, etc) to extract the files to your computer.